Is anything 100% Certain?

Is anything 100% Certain?

Pastor Mike Keeton

April 1, 2020

In the movie Dumb and Dumber there is a scene where Lloyd Christmas, played by Jim Carrey, asks Mary Swanson, played by Lauren Holly, “if a girl like her could get together with a guy like me?”  Her response was, “the chance is like one in a million.”  Then Lloyd said, “So you are saying there is a chance?”

Most of us realize what Mary was saying but to Lloyd who was working the percentages was thinking there is a slight percentage he could get the girl.

In many areas of our lives we live and behave according to predicted percentages.  If there is a good chance of catching a contagious disease, we get protection.  When there is a high percentage of complaint about a certain product, we will not purchase it.  On the other hand when there is a high percentage of approval of a product, we may purchase it based on the approval of others.

In other words, when there is a favorable or unfavorable percentage we, as logic or common sense dictates, respond accordingly.  At the time of writing this article, percentage of approval ratings for political leaders is affecting the promises they made and the programs they are presenting.  We also have been told that we are under the mandated federal rules of the coronavirus

It is to be noted that in the examples given, the percentage allows only for a “chance” of something to take place.  There is not, nor can there be, any way to guarantee success.  So as we respond to these percentages, there is always the element of risk.

The question may be asked, is there any such thing as a 100% promise or potential?  In the human realm the answer is no.  But in the realm of God the answer is yes.  When God speaks, makes a promise or states a potential, He does so, not as a chance something will happen, but with 100% certainty.

For example, God does not say, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and there is a 95% chance of salvation.”  He says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.  Acts 16:31.  100% fulfillment.

He does not say, “Pray, and there is a 95% chance I will hear.”  God says if we pray we can know He will hear.        1 John 5:14,15.  100% fulfillment.

There are many of us who are going through difficult times, times that create upset stomachs, tension, stress, unhappiness, and lots of negativity in our lives.  There is help that is 100% certainty.  God is a God of all comfort.  This doesn’t mean trouble will not come your way but there is comfort during the trouble as guaranteed by God.               2 Corinthians 1:3-4.