Wednesday Night Ministries 6:30 pm
- Adult “Truth for Living Classes”
- IMPACT youth group
- FIYAH (3 yr-grade 5)
- Nursery available
Wednesday Adult Classes – “Truth for Living” 6:30 pm
Classes: Jan 15-April 23
- Class: Women at the Well
- Title: Acts 13-28 (No book required)
- Teacher(s): Women at the Well Team
- Course Description:
- The book of Acts traces the spread of the gospel to the Gentiles in particular.
- This course emphasizes that unstoppable growth is orchestrated and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
- The learner will be challenged to recognize and participate in the continuing spread of the gospel today.
- Class: Psalms
- Title: “Lyrics for Life” Selected Psalms (book optional)
- Teacher: Dave Gelona
- Course Description:
- This study is a verse-by-verse study of the book of Colossians.
- The book emphasizes Christ’s supremacy over the church and the believer’s completeness
- in Christ. Both truths combat the error that Christ isn’t enough.
- In Christ, believers are equipped to grow in the Lord and to serve Him well.
- Class: “The Pilgrim’s Progress”
- Title: * Book required: “The Pilgrim’s Progress (Penguin Classics)”
- OR “The Pilgrim’s Progress: A Readable Modern-Day Version
- * Both books available on Amazon as well as for Kindle & Apple Books readers & tablets
- Teacher: Max Hunt
- Course Description:
- The story chronicles the adventure of a man named Christian who leaves his home in the City of Destruction and begins a life-long quest to the Celestial City.
- This drama unfolds as Christian’s adventures lead him into fascinating lands & encounters with interesting people who either help or hinder his progress along a narrow way.
- Bunyan’s story describes one man’s extraordinary adventure on his journey to faith.
- The learner will read Bunyan’s timeless classic and reimagine this famous quest that has challenged and encouraged believers for centuries.
- Class: Discipleship
- Title: “Follow the Master: Discipleship Bible Study Course” (book required – cost is$12.00)
- Teacher: Pastor Jason
- Course Description:
- This course is designed to help fulfill Christ’s call to “come and follow me,” (Matt.16:24).
- The 36 lessons provide the foundational beliefs and behaviors of a mature disciple.
- Even though this course was created for new Christians, those who have not been intentionally discipled can grow through these lessons.
- You can use this as a foundation to grow in your knowledge of the Bible, and live as mature disciple of Jesus.
- Class: Men’s Study
- Title: “Every Man a Warrior” (EMAW) (books required)
- Teacher: Kyle Potere
- Course Description:
- Men deal with issues every day that test their core values, integrity & spiritual manhood.
- EMAW is a men’s discipleship Bible study that “Helps Men Succeed in Life …” AND “… become the men God wants them to be…”
- The goal of the is to have men who will … walk with God; be men of the Word & prayer; read, study, meditate, memorize Scripture; love their wives; train their children; manage money; fight to stay morally pure; cling to Jesus in hard times; and develop a passion to multiply to the 3rd & 4th generation.
- EMAW is for both married and single men!