Sermons on Salvation

Sermons on Salvation

Why “To the Jew First”?

W Dr. Mike Stallard, Friends of Israel Introduction: The Basic Passages             Romans 1:14-17 Paul says he is a DEBTOR (v. 14-15 The  GOSPEL is the power of God (v. 16) “Everyone who believes” means ­________________ (v. 16) For the Jew ­­­FIRST  and also for the Greek (v. 16) The just shall live by FAITH  (v. 17) Romans 2:9-11 Punishment of evil – of the Jew ­­­FIRST (v. 9) Rewards for good – to the Jew FIRST (v. 10) There…

The Person God Uses

Jesus Wants Our Brokenness! The Person God Uses Jeremiah 15:18 (NIV)18 Why is my pain unending and my wound grievous and incurable? You are to me like a deceptive brook, like a spring that fails.                                                                                 19 Therefore this is what the Lord says: “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman. Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them. 20 I will make you a wall…

In Remembrance of Me

Sunday 2/03/2019 PM Service Dr. Michael Keeton In Remembrance of Me Luke 22:14-20 Remember what we were. Without Strength Romans 5:6 ▪ For when we were still without strength. In due time Christ died for us (KJV) ▪ For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. ▪ Ungodly Romans 5:6 ▪ For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. (NASB) ▪ When while we were still…
Do You Need to Confess & Renew Your Life to Jesus?

The Person God Uses

The Person God Uses Jeramiah 1:4-9 God uses the person he calls. Psalm 139: 15 Jeremiah 1:4-9 Uses people in everyday life. People use Excuses not to do God’s work. Example: Time, energy. God gives you what you need. Jeremiah 1:5 Jeremiah 1:9 We are Called – God uses the littlest to the Oldest in everyday life. Don’t be Scared! Ask God to Use You. Take action!
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