Sermons on God
Deserting Grace
Galatians 5 Galations 1:6-10
June 30, 2019 sunday pm service
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
“Hannah – A Mother Who gave”
1Samuel 1:1-22 Building a Legacy means “Following God Whole Heartedly” When you can’t Control what is going on around you – Connect to the Creator who has Control. Our children have to own their own spirituality. They have to Answer to God. Always Point Your Children to the things of God.
Making Your Life Count- Hebrews 11- Getting Fueled for the Journey
Hebrews 11:33–40 (NIV)
33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.
Making Your Life Count
March 24, 2019
“What in the World is God Doing?” Series
Dr Michael Keeton March 31,2019 pm
Why “To the Jew First”?
W Dr. Mike Stallard, Friends of Israel Introduction: The Basic Passages Romans 1:14-17 Paul says he is a DEBTOR (v. 14-15 The GOSPEL is the power of God (v. 16) “Everyone who believes” means ________________ (v. 16) For the Jew FIRST and also for the Greek (v. 16) The just shall live by FAITH (v. 17) Romans 2:9-11 Punishment of evil – of the Jew FIRST (v. 9) Rewards for good – to the Jew FIRST (v. 10) There…
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