Sermons by Dr. Mike Stallard, Friends of Israel
Why “To the Jew First”?
W Dr. Mike Stallard, Friends of Israel Introduction: The Basic Passages Romans 1:14-17 Paul says he is a DEBTOR (v. 14-15 The GOSPEL is the power of God (v. 16) “Everyone who believes” means ________________ (v. 16) For the Jew FIRST and also for the Greek (v. 16) The just shall live by FAITH (v. 17) Romans 2:9-11 Punishment of evil – of the Jew FIRST (v. 9) Rewards for good – to the Jew FIRST (v. 10) There…
The Jewish Apostle at Mars Hill
Repentance (17:30)
1. God’s MERCY
2. Definition of repentance- change of mind/attitude/posture.
3. Relationship to Faith – Everyone must Repent
1. People are Accountable for their sins
2. HISTORY is going somewhere.
3. The Greek understanding of judgment (Hades)
Jesus is the basis for the coming judgment – exclusive belief in Jesus as THE ONLY WAY
Resurrection (17:31)
1. The Cross – Did Paul talk about the Cross?
2. Resurrection PROVES Jesus’ appointment as Judge.
The RESPONSE to Paul’s message (32-34)
1. Sneered or Mocked
2. Immortality of the Soul