Sermon Archive (Page 20)

Sermon Archive (Page 20)

Making Your Life Count- Hebrews 11- Getting Fueled for the Journey

Hebrews 11:33–40 (NIV) 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.

Why “To the Jew First”?

W Dr. Mike Stallard, Friends of Israel Introduction: The Basic Passages             Romans 1:14-17 Paul says he is a DEBTOR (v. 14-15 The  GOSPEL is the power of God (v. 16) “Everyone who believes” means ­________________ (v. 16) For the Jew ­­­FIRST  and also for the Greek (v. 16) The just shall live by FAITH  (v. 17) Romans 2:9-11 Punishment of evil – of the Jew ­­­FIRST (v. 9) Rewards for good – to the Jew FIRST (v. 10) There…

The Jewish Apostle at Mars Hill

Repentance (17:30) 1. God’s MERCY 2. Definition of repentance- change of mind/attitude/posture. 3. Relationship to Faith – Everyone must Repent Judgment 1. People are Accountable for their sins 2. HISTORY is going somewhere. 3. The Greek understanding of judgment (Hades) Jesus is the basis for the coming judgment – exclusive belief in Jesus as THE ONLY WAY Resurrection (17:31) 1. The Cross – Did Paul talk about the Cross? 2. Resurrection PROVES Jesus’ appointment as Judge. The RESPONSE to Paul’s message (32-34) 1. Sneered or Mocked 2. Immortality of the Soul

Make Your life count

Genesis 1:11 Creation, Fall, Flood, Tower of Babel Genesis 12:50 Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and his 12 sons who are birth of the nation of Israel. Three Groups of people in the world from the beginning of time. Genesis 1:11 Gentiles Genesis 12, Acts 2 Gentiles and Jews Acts 2 Today – Gentiles, Jews, & Christians Do you walk by faith, lean on God alone: His Word, His character, His will, and His power. You do not isolate yourself from your family and friends, but you no longer consider them your first love or your first obligation?


Pastor Michael Keeton speaking – Dealing with Addictions. How are they defined? What are the common denominators? How to have victory over them?