Faith Bible Church Leaders
Pastor Jason Parmer
Teaching Pastor Jason joined the pastoral staff in August of 2004 where he served as the Pastor of Worship Development and Student Ministries. His previous experience spans 15 years as a church lay person serving in the area of music, youth,and children’s ministries in two different churches. Before coming to Faith Bible Church, he worked in the health industry field for nine years. Jason completed his undergraduate studies at Lancaster Bible College, where he obtained an A.S. and a B.S.…
Pastor Frank Marchiano
Pastor of Outreach Frank Marchiano leads the evangelism and discipleship ministries at Faith Bible Church. He joined the pastoral staff in March 2010. Frank, his wife Susan, and their children, Lisa and Frank, Jr., all came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior as a result of the evangelistic ministry of Faith Bible. They have been members of the church since September 1994, and Frank has served in many areas of of Faith Bible including Christian education and men’s…
Mark Yuhnke
Mark joined the staff at Faith Bible Church in March of 2022 and he serves part-time as the Family Life Director. He oversees the youth and children’s education programs and church security. He actively works to equip parents to teach and train their children to be fruitful and productive followers of Jesus. He also preaches and teaches as needed. Mark graduated from Lancaster Bible College in 2023 with a degree in Biblical Studies Before coming to Faith Bible he was…
Heidi Koering
Heidi joined the staff at Faith Bible in 2011 as the communications & promotions director. Prior to Faith Bible Church Heidi was self employed in her family business of Real Estate and property management in the south Jersey area for 20 years. Heidi has actively served on the board of many ministry organizations over the years. Heidi earned her Bachelor’s degree in Business from Eastern University in St. Davids, PA. Then completed her Master’s degree in Marketing and Public Relations…
Leann Johnson
Leann is retired from the healthcare industry and volunteers in the office to assist as needed.
Erich Smith
Erich is a 2019 graduate of Lancaster Bible College and received his BA in Theology. Erich was involved in church at a very young age and was always interested in music. He came to Faith Bible in 2010 after marrying his wife and long time member. Erich has been a playing in the worship band since then, and in 2017, he became the worship leader. He is supported at home by his wife Jessica and their three kids.
FIYAH Directors

Loren & Carla Williams
Student Ministry Director

Michael Keeton Jr.
Angel Gonzalez
Dave Redman