Nehemiah 11-13, Pastor Jason Parmer

Nehemiah 11-13, Pastor Jason Parmer

 5 Building Blocks for Life and Service

1.When _______ moves ________ Him- Matthew 16:24-25

For these Jewish people, God wanted them to move into the city that was built for them. They followed Nehemiah and what God had told them to do. You see, when God is moving us, many times we just talk ourselves out of it, don’t we?

2._______a life ______ apart for God –I Peter 2:9

When we come to worship on Sunday is it a continuation of our week of worship with our God where we get to gather with the body of Christ and celebrate our God and praise Him for all that He has done for us?

3.Be _______ in our __________ and ___________-Nehemiah 12:43

No matter what is going on in our lives, people around us should know who our God is and all that He has done for us, no matter what they may say.

4. Be a _________ giver to _______ Work- Nehemiah 12:44

The result of this joyful service of dedication was a                                                plentiful supply of produce to sustain the ministry’s work.     

5. _________ and Act on God’s ___________- Nehemiah 13:22

Nehemiah wasn’t pleading for blessings on the basis of                      personal merit, because He knew that God’s favor only                            comes by His grace and mercy.