Pastor Mike Keeton
In my library, I came across a book with dumb laws that no one ever bothered to erase from the books. Because of the date this book was written I decided to goggle dumb laws and found a site, dumblaws.com. I looked up the state of Pennsylvania and found that there is a special cleaning ordinance that bans housewives from hiding dirt and dust under a rug in a dwelling. In Ohio, the state from which I was born, it is illegal for more than five women to live in a house. In the state of Florida, it is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit. In our great state on New Jersey, you cannot pump your own gas. This one I don’t mind especially in rainy or cold weather.
Our government produced laws, even though some are ridiculous, for the protection of citizens. The laws that are broken most are speed limit laws. Of course, if you are caught a price is to be paid.
One of my more memorable trips was to the Smokey Mountains where our group decided to ride the Famous Dragon Tail. As we rode this challenging road, speed limit signs were posted and believe it or not I obeyed them as I did 311 curves in 11 miles. After completing this ride there is a restaurant and gift shop where you can rest and purchase a “I survived the Dragon Tail T-shirt.” There is also a tree with various motorcycle parts hanging from it’s limbs from those who did not obey the speed limit signs and thought they knew better. I have read newspaper articles of riders going over the side of a mountain crashing to their death.
This caused me to think about what would happen to me or my fellow riders if we had a death crash. Where would we go after death? This is a question most of us don’t want to think about but because we live in this crazy world and as we hear the news reports of almost 60,000 people dying from Covid-19, we realize that death could come at any time.
Please allow me to ask you two questions.
Question #1: Have you come to a place in your spiritual journey that if you died right now, you know without a shadow of doubt you would go to heaven?
Question #2: If you would die tonight and stand before God and He were to ask you, “Why should I allow you into heaven, what would you say?”
God wants us to know the answers to these questions so we can have freedom from the fear of where we go after death. In the Bible Jesus says, in John 14:6, “I am the way, the Truth and the Life and no man comes to the Father but through Me.” This is something to consider when answering these two questions. Of course, you can always call the pastors to talk further or if you are a teen reading this ask your mom or dad about how to know are saved and will go to heaven.
We are living in strange and evil times and the world is getting ready for the rapture of the church and then tribulation. So please, today is the day to make sure of your salvation, not tomorrow for it may too late.