Church News (Page 43)
Being Broken: The person God uses
“What does it mean to be broken?” Come out Sunday to learn from the Book of Jeremiah of the person that God uses.
The Person God Uses
Pastor Jason will begin a new sermon series this Sunday titled “The Person God Uses.” We will look at the calling of Jeremiah in Jeremiah Chapter One. As Christians, we are called to serve in our community.
Transformational Prayer
Pastor Jason will be ending our sermon series on “Being a Transformational Church” this Sunday with a focus on prayer. From Hebrews 4:14-16 he will review the patterns of how Jesus prayed and look at who he prayed for – people, enemies, and the lost. We have access to God through Jesus and we are chosen by God to live a transformational life.
Being a Transformational Church
Join us on Sunday, January 13, as Pastor Jason speaks about being a transformational church through a focus on prayer. We will look at Hebrews 4, as we seek to be earnest and passionate in pursuing our prayer life.
75th Anniversary Newsletter
75th Anniversary Newsletter