Announcements (Page 9)
We need help cleaning chairs
As the sanctuary is being cleaned, we need help cleaning the chairs to return them to the sanctuary upon completion. If you can lend some time, we have all the supplies needed. We can open the building for you during the day or evening. So grab a friend and give us a call. Please contact the office or one of the pastors if you are available to help. Thank you in advance!
Services in the Familiy Life Center
Thank you to everyone who helped yesterday prepare the sanctuary for our remediation. Reminder both morning services will be held in the Family Life Center the next couple weeks. We will try to stream services live however we are not sure of our ability to do so, please be understanding during this time. Also we will need weekly volunteers to help set up chairs in the FLC during this transition.
Guest Speaker- Andy Giessman
November 21, 2021Andy Giessman from Addison’s Walk will be with us this Sunday sharing about our youth and their Christian walk.