Bring Out the Caps and Gowns!

Bring Out the Caps and Gowns!

Bring Out the Caps and Gowns!

For many of our young people graduation in 2020 is quite different than earlier years.  A normal graduation comes with all the associated pomp and circumstance but this year no cap or gown will be worn to march before teachers, family, friends, and fellow graduates.  With that in mind I’d like to share with you something I came across on the Internet: The Legend of the Cap and Gown.

Long ago, in ancient Greece, when formal education was for the very rich or the very determined, a wise old teacher was approached by a group of noblemen. “Our sons have completed their studies and it is time for them to return to their homes and live in the style befitting their station. Tomorrow we will present them at a great banquet. Be sure they are appropriately dressed in their finest robes.” The following day, the banquet hall was filled with royalty dressed in dazzling finery. The great moment came when the students entered the banquet hall with their beloved teacher. A cry of disappointment arose from the crowd, for behold their young men were dressed not in the garments of the noble but in simple robes of sackcloth, each carrying a mortarboard – the mark of a common workman! “What is the meaning of this?” cried the noblemen. “Our sons were to be dressed in their finest garments!” The wise teacher replied, “But they are! Your sons are dressed in the clothing of the mason, for their destiny is to build. Some, as architects, will build cities, some as teachers, will build lives; some as physicians, will restore bodies – but all will be builders on the solid foundation of knowledge.” And to this day, all graduates wear a cap and gown – proudly symbolizing the value of education, and the fact that they are builders of their future and the future of our world.

Quite a legend, is it not?  To me it is quite scary in it’s implications, for if in fact, today’s graduates are tomorrow’s builders, then the world is no better off than the education we have given to our young people.

I hope that they have learned what Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, knew when he wrote:  “The fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment,” Proverbs 9:10.

Let me apply this to we who drive.  Driving on our roads is a very dangerous thing as we read in the newspaper of automobile accidents on a regular basis.  We need wisdom but the greater wisdom we need is knowing where we would go if or when we crash and die.  Where will you go?  There are only two roads to drive on, the broad road to hell and destruction or the narrow road to eternal life in heaven.  God allows you to make the choice.  Please make the right choice before it is too late.  Choose Jesus Christ as only He can bring such a salvation. 

As we start each and every day may we think of those who are on the broad road and pray for them and ask God to grant to you or to someone else an opportunity to share Jesus Christ with them.  God loves the world and desires all men to come to repentance.  I do believe very soon God will instruct Jesus to stand on the clouds and call His Bride home to celebrate with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and during that time earth will be experiencing tribulation wrath like never before. 

This will be my last article as President Trump has issued a decree that all churches are essential.  Please be watching for Pastor Jason’s video on our re-opening procedure.  I hope to see you this Sunday and in the meantime keep moving forward on your journey to God.

Love and prayers, Pastor Mike