Church Blog (Page 11)

Church Blog (Page 11)

Missions Sunday

Dr. Paul Barreca from FIM will share in both morning services. Agape Missions Night: May 1st 6:00 pm we will have an Agape Worship in the sanctuary hearing several Missionary Updates followed by a light fellowship with the missionaries in the gym. Guest attending: Bill & Denise Braun (ABWE) Nick & Jess Ebner (Pioneers) Suresh Sawant (FIM) Mark & Jennifer Rubin (ABWE) John Spadafora (Crossworld)

Ukraine Missions Offering

Missions OfferingThis year’s Missions Offering will be to help those in the Ukraine with food, shelter, transportation and sharing the gospel. The offering will be going directly to Pastor Vova whose church is in the middle of the war zone. He and his church have been helping their community with their needs and also been helping the Russian soldiers.  To donate toward this please designate “Ukraine Missions” on your donation. Online Donations