Posts by Jason Parmer (Page 4)

Posts by Jason Parmer (Page 4)

Outdoor Service-May 31

This Sunday, May 31, 10:30-11:30 am, we will come together again with an outdoor service. Bring your mask and lawn chair, as we will be sitting in the grass area between the two buildings. We will still be on Facebook Live, so for those with concerns about coming together, may still worship with us from their home. fbcvineland.

Church is Essential!

Church is essential! We already knew that, didn’t we? Here is an update on FBC Sunday’s service which will remain virtual as planned. #fbcvineland

Prayer Through Suffering

Pastor Jason will be speaking from the book of Habakkuk this Sunday on the topic “Prayer Through Suffering.” Sunday, Facebook Live at 10:30 am, see you there.#fbcvineland

Tuesday Night Worship Lyrics- May 12

Looking forward to our Tuesday Night Worship with the Parmer Family on Facebook Live at 7:00 pm. Here are the lyrics:

Urgent Prayer Request

Church, We are asking the body to come together and pray that the Governor relinquishes the restrictions on churches during this quarantine. Here is a link to Jeff Van Drew’s letter written to Governor Murphy